It’s getting closer and closer to the final episode of The Walking Dead coming to XBLA, PSN and Steam. We don’t have any date yet, but to give the fans something prior to The Walkind Dead Game: No Time Left, GiantBomb premiered a trailer that shows all of the different choices players made. Obviously there are spoilers, so if you’re not up to date, don’t watch it.
Also, if you’re not up to date, you should really give Telltale’s latest game, a go. In terms of storytelling, The Walking Dead is very special. The studio has created a wonderful relationship between Lee and Clem that is rarely seen in any type of media, not to mind video games.
Have a look at the trailer and see if you’re a sheep, or a very bad person.
The Walking Dead: No Time Left is set to release on TBA for Windows PC (via Steam), Xbox 360 (via Xbox LIVE Arcade) and PlayStation 3 (via PlayStation Network)