Max Payne 3 DLC Schedule Changes Includes Free Content

by on August 1, 2012

Max-Payne-3-DLC-Schedule-Changes-Includes-Free-ContentWith the recent news that Max Payne 3 has sold an underwhelming 3 million copies worldwide, it seems Rockstar has had to rethink its DLC strategy for the title.

First off the Disorganized Crime Pack will now be completely free, the pack is due out soon too, releasing later this month.

The other five pieces of DLC will be pushed together into just three, don’t worry no content has been dropped.

The new DLC lineup for Max Payne 3 is as follows:

  • Disorganized Crime Pack: August
  • Hostage Negotiation Map Pack: September
  • Painful Memories Map Pack: October
  • Deathmatch Made In Heaven Mode Pack: October

Disorganized Crime Pack will be free with the following three packs costing 800msp/£7.99/$10