E3 2012: Take A Tour Around the Wii U’s GamePad

by on June 5, 2012

E3-2012-Take-A-Tour-Around-the-Wii-U's-GamePadTo avoid the confusion of last year’s E3, Nintendo have released a video detailed exactly what the Wii U’s GamePad is and what it does.

The Wii U GamePad has undergone some drastic changes since it’s first showing at E3 2011. Firstly real analog sticks have replaced the circle pads, buttons have been moved around for better positioning, the controller now sports proper triggers, and of course the system will know support two GamePads at once.

Is the GamePad gimmicky? In truth at the moment it is impossible to say, because it’s not the hardware but rather the software that makes a system. On first impressions though is the GamePad something you could see yourself gaming with?

For a full rundown on every feature the Wii U GamePad offers, check out the video below.