Square Enix Announce ‘Q’… I Mean John De Lancie as Voice in Quantum Conundrum

by on April 4, 2012

Square Enix Announce 'Q'... I Mean John De Lancie as Voice in Quantum ConundrumSquare Enix and Air Tight Games’ upcoming first person puzzler Quantum Conundrum is expected to land on XBLA, PSN and PC this summer, and today the developers have announced that John De Lancie will be joining the party by voicing Professor Fitz Quadwrangle, a whacky professor lost in another dimension who is trying to guide his nephew through his fascinating, and perilous, manor home.

Quantum Conundrum is a game from the mind of Portal co-creator Kim Swift, and sees you take control of the world around you in similar mind bending fashion. In Conundrum’, you are able to shift between different dimensions, each with its own unique properties.  It looks like a fun and interesting prospect, and De Lancie had this to day of his role in the game;

“The professor’s character is funny, a bit bizarre, and a great joy to perform,” said de Lancie.  “If players have half as much fun with the game as I did playing the character, then they’ll be having a great time.”

Given the mad nature of the game, picking John De Lancie to play the lead role seems to be an inspired choice. His role of ‘Q’ in Star Trek : The Next Generation, one that he reprised several times, made Q one of the most memorable characters in all Star Trek history.

Stay Tuned to GodisaGeek for all the latest on Quantum Conundrum, it is a game we will definitely keeping an eye on. You can see the game in action below, as John de Lancie talks you through the game.