PUBG: Battlegrounds gets brand new update today

by on January 10, 2024

KRAFTON has launched the latest PUBG: Battlegrounds Update which introduces plenty of new features focusing on an all-new ‘Market’ system. The 27.2 Update introduces the very first in-game store for PUBG: Battlegrounds, allowing players to purchase a host of upgrades and weaponry with BR Coins, a brand new currency.

Rondo Markets are stores that appear in-game across three different grades, with each one offering a unique selection and quality of items, where items are bought with the new BR Coin currency. BR Coins are earned through various methods, such as in-game challenges, defeating Pillar Guards (NPCs who are tasked with protecting Grade III Market locations), selling inventory items, and via spawning in the world.

There’re already two Market-exclusive items available. The Emergency Cover Flare and the Battle Ready Kit will help players with their defensive strategies as well as their healing. The PUBG: Battlegrounds Update will also include garages connected to certain Grade I Markets, which are home to the Rondo-exclusive Pillar UAZ vehicle, featuring bulletproof windows and sturdy tires. In Grade III Market locations, players that attempt to seek high-quality merchandise will have to defeat Pillar Guards, offering an added layer of challenge. There are also a variety of safes scattered throughout the map which are home to Gold Bars that can be traded for BR Coins at market.

The PUBG: Battlegrounds Update will include in-game challenges featuring three levels of difficulty and a plethora of rewards, such as BR Coins, items, and more. Another new feature is the Rondo-exclusive EMP Zone, which disables most electronic devices, adding a new twist to gameplay. Hopefully, it will force players to result to that raw gameplay of the game without using electronic devices. Finally, the update will make significant changes to the Rondo Spawn System, “removing certain weapons and vehicles while increasing the spawn rate for others.”

For full patch notes, you can check out the official site right here.