Battlefield 3 – More Footage Via Fault Line Episode 1

by on March 2, 2011

We enjoy a lot of things here at GodisaGeek.com but more video footage of a game that we’re all anticipating is right up there with the best of the lot. Most of you out there reading this probably like the same things we do, being that we’re all geeks and all, so when we get something like this we just have to share it with you as quickly as we can.

With that in mind feast your eyes on the latest video from DICE and Electronic Arts featuring new footage from their upcoming first person shooter Battlefield 3. Something else to point out is that this video, Fault Line, has an episode number associated with it implying that we can expect more.


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Now that you’ve watched it all, probably more than once if you’re anything like us, tell us what you thought and how excited you are by heading over to our forums.

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