GOTY 2022 Podcast Day Two: Best audio, Best visuals

by on December 20, 2022

We’re into day two of the GOTY 2022 celebrations podcast, and it’s time to discuss best audio, and best visuals.

This is usually the shortest day as our team is focussed on other areas, but best audio and best visuals this year might end up being a car crash due to how ridiculous some of the candidates look and sound.

There’s a load of ways you can keep up to date on all things GOTY 2022 here, this December, on GodisaGeek, but it’s worth noting you can hear all the episodes a week early, every year, if you become a Patreon of the site. This helps fund podcasts like this, but so much more, so consider it, please?

On that note, if you want to discuss along as the week plays out, you can do so on our Discord, though be aware that outside of the “General” chat, it’s all for Patreon-members, who might be a week ahead of you by now! Alternatively, make you subscribe to us on YouTube for the video version (also delivered a week early to Patreons), and click the bell button so you’re notified when the new episodes go live each day.

If you don’t want to do any of that, we get it: times are hard. The podcast is a labour of love, though, so consider buying us a coffee, or hell, just throw a donation at us on PayPal: whatever you value the pod at!

Right, that’s enough begging for one day, let’s get on with day one! Enjoy!


Download the MP3 version, here.

Join us tomorrow for the next day of festive game of the year deliberations!