Lovers of cheap video games rejoice as Team 17 provides you with a way to purchase many games for a low low price.
For those of us who have burgeoning video game libraries and who cannot stop buying up good cheap experiences, here’s an opportunity to grab a whole bunch of Team 17’s games through Humble Bundle. There are three tiers to purchase:
$1 or more will receive:
- Penarium
- Worms Clan Wars
- Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition
Spend above the average price and you will get the above games plus:
- The Escapists
- The Escapists – Fhurst Peak Correctional Facility
- The Escpaists – Alcatraz
- The Escapists – Escape Team
- The Escapists – Duct Tapes are Forever
- Overcooked: Gourmet Edition
- Sheltered
And finally if you spend $10 or more you’ll get everything plus Worms W.M.D.!