PS One Classic – games I’d like to see

by on September 21, 2018

If you haven’t seen the news already, and if you haven’t how you have you managed this?, Sony have announced the imminent release of the PS One Classic pre-loaded with 20 genre defining games. Those already announced are: Final Fantasy VII, Jumping Flash!, R4: Ridge Racer Type 4, Tekken 3 and Wild Arms. Read on to see my dream picks that I’d like to see announced over the next couple of months. (I’m aware there may be a myriad of issues with some of these choices, licensing, coding etc., but go with it).

Metal Gear Solid

If you’re talking genre defining then look no further than Metal Gear Solid. I know we had the remake in Twin Snakes for the Gamecube, but nothing beats the original MGS in all its non-mouth moving, head bobbing when they talk action. Another plus would be to hear Greg Eagle’s voicing Gray Fox again as he did an amazing job.

Resident Evil

Another genre defining game, but this time for the horror genre, has to be Resident Evil. Again this is another game that has had its remakes for current gen consoles, but seeing that live action opening along with the original corny dialogue would be an absolute treat.

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver

Now if you follow me on Twitter you’ll have seen me mention wanting a remake or even a reboot of one of the best games you’ll ever play in your life: Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. Now while for some it may not be genre defining, you’re wrong by the way, this was the first proper vampire game I played, and hearing Tony Jay as the Elder God again in crisp updated sound would be a dream come true.

Destruction Derby 2

There’s already a racing game in the form of Type 4, but Destruction Derby 2 is more than your standard racing game. There are plenty of us that look at other drivers as something to crash into to aid you round that sharp turn and Destruction Derby gave us a chance to have a proper go at those cars. The ultimate aim being to wreck them good and proper like Cersei with a load of wildfire and a sept.

Theme Hospital

Now everyone has heard of recent spiritual successor of Two Point Hospital, but being given the chance to go back to its roots and teach these young uns where their now favourite game came from could provide some retro education as well as enjoyment.


How can there possibly be a list of PS One classics and there be no mention of Rayman? Rayman was possibly one of my most played platformers back in the day and I remember being one of the first of my mates to kick the arse of the final boss and have it fully completed. Getting the chance to wind up the ol’ Rayman fist and send it flying towards enemies again would be a nice nostalgia trip.

Tomb Raider

One of the absolute genre defining games of the 90s has to be none other than Tomb Raider. With the recent release of Shadow of the Tomb Raider and seeing Lara become The Tomb Raider, everyone should be able to go back and continue the journey while shooting some wolves polygonal style. It’s just a pity you can’t lock the butler in the freezer like you can in Tomb Raider 2. It has dinosaurs though so it’ll do.

Silent Hill

Resident Evil was a horror defining game that brought about a surge in zombie appreciation, but it doesn’t hold a candle to Silent Hill when it comes to torturing the player with its use of psychological scares, weird and wonderful camera angles and phobia inducing static noise from your trusty radio. Silent Hill and Resident Evil are like Mario & Luigi, they should always come as a pair. So go on Sony, stick both of them on there for the horror fans.

Klonoa: Door to Phantomile

Klonoa isn’t a game that’s spoke about much which is a shame because Door to Phantomile was a classic that deserves its time in the spotlight again. There’s nothing better than a chilled out side scrolling platformer and Klonoa fits the bill perfectly. You also get to visit Phantomile, a place fuelled by the dreams people are having while they sleep. You can’t get a more wholesome place than that.


Another platforming classic comes in the form of the insane pink haired caveman Tomba. I spent more time than I care to think about running around and taking out those bastard Koma Pigs in an attempt to get Tomba’s family heirloom back and everyone else should get the chance too.

Final Fantasy VIII and/or IX

Now I might get a lot of hate for this but if Final Fantasy VII is on the mini console then FF VIII & IX should definitely be part of it as I think both are far superior to VII. Everyone has a favourite of the three and it makes sense to give people the option of playing all three and make them feel justified in designating one as the best of the three. It’s obviously VIII but you can make your own mind up I suppose.

Cool Boarders 3

It’s snowboarding. Do you really need anything else? You do? Well there’s just no pleasing you and Cool Boarders 3 will need to be on it to show what you’re missing. Let’s hope Sony has fixed you up with some snowboarding action.


It’s Wipeout. Wipeout! I don’t know why you’re still reading this cause it’s Wipeout and Wipeout doesn’t need any other justification other that it’s Wipeout.

Disney’s Hercules

Now while not a genre defining game or a game that many people will remember I want to play Hercules again. I loved this game and hearing the Muses little choral part whenever you collect the letters of Hercules’ name was always a joy. Also loved hearing clips from the film and randomly saying them again while playing. Was that just me? Oh. Moving on!

Alien Trilogy

Might have been a bit young to have been playing this and too young to have seen films but I had and there’s nothing to be done about it now. Alien Trilogy is loosely based on the three films, taking random aspects from each and sticking them into one fantastic game. In a time where Colonial Marines is a thing that people would like to forget about, let’s put the original on there and give people the chance to experience killing facehuggers and aliens as Ellen Ripley and push those unwanted Colonial Marines memories out of their head.

These are just a few of the games I’d like to see added to the PS One Classic console. Most of these are so far beyond far fetched that they’ve entered the real of “Dream on Mick, they ain’t gonna happen”, but as I said, they are dream picks. Do you agree with my list? Do you think there’s any games I’ve missed you think should be added? Let us know in the comments below.