Mobile gaming has become a favorite pastime for people of all generations. It serves as fun entertainment while waiting for the train, eating lunch in the cafeteria, or just a way to pass the time. Mobile games have also become a great social platform and a great way to boost your brain function. If you’re thinking of getting into the mobile gaming business the process is a lot easier than you think – and the payout isn’t so bad either.
Millions of mobile users log onto their favorite games on a daily basis. If you have an engaging, entertaining, and semi-addictive gaming idea you’d like to launch, there are plenty of people out there who could be interested. After designing a game that tells a story, serves a purpose, and creates a positive user experience, you’ll need to let the world know about it. Marketing is essentially the way to turn your game from just another app that can be downloaded to a popular phenomenon that no one can put down.
Identify Your Audience
The first step to successful marketing is to identify and understand your target audience. Learning more about personal details like what they enjoy doing for fun, where they like to hang out, how they like to unwind, what games interest them, etc., you are able to make sure that your game is designed to meet their expectations and that you’re using the most efficient platforms to market your mobile game.
Put yourself in the shoes of your audience by visiting places they frequent, browsing the same websites, or using popular search terms to see what comes up. For example, if you were creating a new gambling app, you would visit Las Vegas, Atlantic City, or San Diego Casinos to get a better idea of what draws the attention of the patrons. Or, you might subscribe to an online casino and play a few games yourself to see how they function and what most attracts your attention.
Although you intend for gamers to download your game you still need a professional website to help with marketing and branding. When users search for your mobile game, name, or brand online, what will they find other than a link to start downloading? A website can provide them with a wealth of information on the game. This, in turn, could persuade them to want to download the app. You can add explainer videos using whiteboard animation, give a brief background on the idea or concept of the game, describe characters, give instructions, provide clues, create an email subscription form, and even start a message board or forum for followers to communicate. This site can now serve as a link or landing page for other marketing platforms you may use.
Get Feedback and Reviews
Word of mouth is still the most popular form or marketing while reviews are commonly researched before consumers make a purchase or download. Getting feedback and reviews on your game not only help you to perfect your product for the masses, but it gives you something authentic to show your target audience. Consumer reviews can be invaluable when it comes to getting new business and the more people you have vouching for your game the better your chances are of increasing downloads. There are platforms that make it easy for you to design your game and share it with others for feedback and online reviews.
Get Social
Don’t underestimate the importance of social media when it comes to marketing mobile games. Besides creating a professional account and interacting with your audience, there are a ton of other things you can do to draw attention to your app. Post videos of yourself and others playing the game, integrate social media into your gaming app allowing users to invite players and share their accomplishments, and even post cheats or tricks to leveling up to keep gamers interested.
Whether you need some passive income or you’re a gamer who has a ton of ideas to making mobile gaming more entertaining there’s a market out there for you. Start jotting down those ideas, looking for the right platforms, creating the best user experience, and then share it with the world. With the above-mentioned tips, it won’t be long before you have thousands of mobile users obsessed with your cool game.