Podcast #284: I could crush a walnut

by on February 21, 2018

This week’s podcast has a discussion about how to pronounce newly released Fe, and a massive chat about Monster Hunter: World a few weeks on. Adam Carroll has finished Shadow of the Colossus and thinks that everyone should play it, and after 3-4 years of waiting, The Fall Part Two is finally out.

Also, Fornite is a good game, and that needs saying – so we do, a lot. In the news, it’s all about The Evil Within 2 getting a first-person mode, Sea of Thieves getting us back on board (ho ho ho), THQ Nordic buying a cock, and Spyro the Dragon. Listener correspondence sees us talking about E3, and the Patreon exclusive section sees Adam Carroll give unpopular opinions. Pay $1 a month for that!

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