Archived Stream: The Jackbox Party Pack 2

by on October 13, 2015

Hey you! Do you like fun?

What about videogames? Do you like them too?

Well, if you like them AND casual swearing under the guise of “playing”, then you’re in for a treat. Tonight, I’ll be streaming The Jackbox Party Pack 2 (the sequel to the 10/10 rated best party game of all time, which also includes Quiplash XL) with some of our staff, and we want you to join us.

The best thing, here, is that you don’t need a copy of the game to play. You just need a screen to watch the stream (like the one you’re reading this on), and a tablet or phone that has a web browser (all of them in existence). When we start playing, you just go to jackbox.tv and enter the code. Most games have up to 8 players allowed, but also let multiple other people play thanks to the audience participation.

So don’t be a loser, get involved at 8pm UK time tonight, and STILL be a loser!