New Mercedes-AMG GT Launches Exclusively in Driveclub

by on September 10, 2014

The latest street racer from AMG Mercedes-Benz will appear in Driveclub before it takes to the roads.

Now we are well aware that all of GodisaGeek’s readers are multi-millionaire playboy superstars who drive posh cars, spreading money around like piss in a toilet bowl, so it will come as great news to you lot that you’ll be able to test drive the latest and greatest superstar from Mercedes-Benz hardened tuning house AMG, the AMG-GT, before it hits the roads in 2015. Where? In Driveclub, of course.

Volker Zaiss, of Mercedes-Benz, had this to say about the latest addition to the Driveclub car roster ;

Even though the car will be released on the market in 2015, it´s going to be available exclusively in Driveclub as free DLC right after the game´s launch. This is thanks to a close collaboration with the guys at Evolution Studios, who have been able to replicate the car in astonishing detail.

Driveclub is looking absolutely gorgeous, and we will be all over it when the game launches October 10th in the UK.