By now, we’re all aware that the PlayStation 4 will be available in North America on November 15 and Europe on November 29, but the question remains: when will Microsoft pull the trigger on Xbox One’s launch date?
A source close to Kotaku has informed them that Sony’s biggest competitor could be announcing a November 8 date, really soon. Their source works for a marketing company that deals with American chain Walmart. According to an internal email that lists all of Walmart’s planned midnight openings for games, November 8 is down as when people across the States will be able to purchase their next-gen systems.
This hasn’t been confirmed with Microsoft yet, so maybe they were waiting for Sony to pull the trigger first and then swoop in a little earlier. All conjecture, of course. If Microsoft could, a November 5 launch date in the States would be perfect for them. Call of Duty: Ghosts AND a brand new console would be very appealing to the masses.