Crackdown Orb at Xbox One Reveal Event Wasn’t Accidental

by on June 26, 2013

After last week’s proclamation that Crackdown is “important” to Phil Spencer, he’s been talking to IGN about the Crackdown orb popping up during the Xbox One reveal event:

“Oh… Crackdown is one of my favorite games, and not just because it’s a Microsoft first-party game. I have a lot of love for that franchise. The homage to Crackdown in the [May 21 event] reveal screenshots was… I know there was some, like, ‘Did we accidentally sneak that…?’ It wasn’t accidental. Definitely.”

He went on to say that a new game in the series would be ideal with Xbone’s cloud functionality due to the open world nature of previous Crackdown titles.

Consistently touted as an Xbox favourite of many, a Crackdown 3 announcement is looking more and more likely as the days go by.