Good news Metro fans, turns out that it wasn’t the last light after all.
Welcome news from Deep Silver today, as Metro: Last Light is set to get a summer boost with the release of four DLC packs.
The first two, ‘Faction’ and ‘Chronicles’ will extend the games single player campaign, adding new levels to the Metro universe and story. The ‘Tower Pack’ will add a ‘unique solo challenge to Metro veterans’, what that challenge might be is unclear at this point.
Finally, the ‘Developer Pack’ will give those of you with a bit of creative flair the tools with which to explore the world of Metro. A map editor perhaps? Very cool.
“Artyom’s story may have been concluded in Metro: Last Light, but there are other characters with stories to tell, some familiar locations that fans of the Metro series wanted to revisit, and some new challenges that 4A wanted to explore,” said Andrew Prokhorov, Creative Director at 4A Games. “Since completing the game we have been working on these new stories and hope to release them throughout the summer.”
The first chapter will be released in June, with a season pass available now on Steam and PSN for £11.99, or 1200 MSP on Xbox Live.