Xbox One Announced at Xbox Reveal Event

by on May 21, 2013

The rumour and hear say can finally come to an end. At the big Xbox Reveal event today, Microsoft has confirmed their next generation games console: Xbox One.

Xbox’s Don Mattrick took to the stage to welcome everyone to the Xbox Reveal tent and claimed he’d never been more excited. Pushing entertainment as well as games from the get-go, Mattrick went through some Xbox history. He also announced that Xbox 360 content would appear at E3. All before finally unveiling the brand new system, which Mattrick said is the “all-in-one entertainment system”.

An Xbox One sizzle reel video was then shown which gave us a glimpse at the console, the controller and the new Kinect.

Voice commands appear to be very prominent and applications could be switched with ease. Live TV, games, movies and internet explorer were all shown off. Body gestures were also shown off as a movie was made smaller to display the home screen. Snap modie is another new feature that allows the user to display two applications on-screen at the same time. Skype was another feature that can be used in Snap mode.

Then, an NBA game was displayed on-screen and the user could bring up player stats and such. The Xbox Guide was the next feature than can interact with Live TV. Basically, it looks like a Sky Guide. Favourites can display the TV shows you watch in regularity and the Trending section can show what other Xbox users are watching.

Mac Whitten then came to the stage to talk about the tech. The system is “connected and ready”. 5 billion transistors and 8 gb RAM, Blue ray, 8 core CPU. Cinematic realism of Xbox One, Windows operating system and a connection is the architecture of the system.

The new Kinect sensor is designed to recognise voices and is more “conversational”. A 1080p camera, better gesture recognition – it can read your heartbeat whilst you exercise.

The new controller has been re-designed. Impulse triggers and newly designed D-pad.

Smartglass was then spoken about, briefly. Tablet can become a remote control for Xbox One.

The new Xbox Live is based on the “same membership you have today”. This year, there will be more than 300,000 servers to stabilise Xbox One. Content is available and stored in the cloud, so gamers can acces content at any time, anywhere. There are native sharing and editing tools on the console to record footage. Achievements will also return.

What are your thoughts? Are you impressed after the first look at the brand new console? Let us know in the comments section, below.