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No European PS4 Delay According to Sony Insider

by on May 14, 2013

Fear not Euro PlayStation fans, you will be playing Knack by the time the year is up.

According to source close to CVG, the PlayStation 4 will not slip to a 2014 release date in Europe, contrary to reports from a certain high street magazine back in February.

Sony sees Europe, and in particular the UK, as key areas for improvement in the coming battle against the next Xbox, and will want to avoid another late showing, as this was seen as damaging to the PS3’s chances when it launched some time after the Xbox 360.

Microsoft has shifted 8 Million Xbox 360 units in the UK, while Sony has shipped 5 Million PlayStation 3’s, a significantly lower number. This will come as great news to gamers, as no one likes a fragmented launch, it just makes us super jealous.

We will all have a better idea of how the next generation will pan out next week when Microsoft unveils the new Xbox, and at E3 next month when Sony spills the beans on what games we can expect come PS4 launch day.

You won’t want to miss a thing, so keep it tuned to GodisaGeek.com.