Geoff Keighley Speaks with Moby Dick Studio Head on GTTV

by on March 13, 2013

Geoff-Keighley-Speaks-with-Moby-Dick-Studio-Head-on-GTTVAfter last year’s VGAs, the talk centred around one game, one studio, one man.

When the trailer for The Phantom Pain aired, many were very excited about a new IP, but cynics out there quickly began to decipher the bombastic trailer and so called developer.

The evidence of this being a giant ruse is certainly there, but Moby Dick Studio and Joakim Mogren have been keeping a straight face whilst everyone screams from the rooftops that this is Hideo Kojima’s latest stunt to gain hype for the next Metal Gear Solid.

This coming Thursday in the States, the latest episode of GameTrailers TV will feature Geoff Keighley interviewing Mogren, Keighley confirmed on Twitter last night;

“This should be interesting: Heading off to interview Moby Dick Studio Head CEO Joakim Mogren.”

He later added that the interview would air on Thursday and that the developer had “something new to show” Keighley. I know that all of the cynics – myself included – will probably be proven right, but I love the fact that some people are just going along with this whole thing. It’s a wonderful way to work fans into a frenzy, fans that will no doubt be watching on Thursday.