Metro: Last Light, 4A Games’ sequel to 2010’s surprise hit Metro 2033, is gathering pace as it nears its March 2013 release date, and the recent raft of gameplay trailers is whetting our appetite nicely for the post-apocalyptic survival shooter.
Based on Dmitry Glukhovsky’s universe, Metro 2033 saw Artyom, a survivor of the Apocalypse, living in Moscow’s subway system, fending off mutants and radiation poisoning in order to stay alive no matter the cost. The sequel – not based at all on Glukhovsky’s Metro 2034 – will be bigger, deeper and more atmospheric. The inclusion of 2033’s Ranger Mode (a hardcore mode that removes the HUD, provides less ammunition and ramps up the brutality of the combat) for those who pre-order the game is a welcome addition, particularly for the more masochistic individuals among you.
Check out the rather awesome “Genesis” gameplay trailer below for a taste of the horrors to come.
Metro: Last Light is scheduled for release on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Windows PC in March 2013.