The internet is a wonderful thing. No sooner has a hush-hush secret been whispered into the ear of someone sitting within ten feet of a PC, laptop or mobile device than said secret appears for the world to see. Well, the most recent “victim” of such leakage is the third DLC pack (following Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate’s Booty and Mr. Torgue’s Campaign of Carnage) for Gearbox Software’s bonkers-but-brilliant shooter Borderlands 2 – and we’ve been along with a jay-cloth and mopped up all the juicy details.
According to gaming website, Sit Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt will transport the player to a new swampy, jungle continent called Aegrus, where the titular gentleman scholar will require you to hunt down some incredibly dangerous nasties including the “borok” and “Scaylion” (if that last one isn’t some kind of lizard-lion combo we’ll eat our explorer’s hat). There’s also a new vehicle in the form of the “fan boat” which you’ll summon from a Catch-A-Boat machine and can customise with 68 skins – it’s even got a shock, incendiary or corrosive weapon mod.
Apparently there are 12 new side missions and 5 main story missions, a ton of new Seraph gear, a brand new “self-important” villain and a “loot room with a timer” – possibly similar to the Secret Armoury of General Knoxx as seen in the DLC of the same title for the original Borderlands. There’s even a new Stalker-type Raid boss who’s as big as a small building. No new word on that level cap yet, though!
Perhaps more interesting is the rumoured suggestion that a collection of content packs are incoming for Borderlands 2, including 30 new heads and skins for the primary characters. At present there’s nothing concrete to go on and it may turn out to be nothing, but watch this space.
Below are a couple of image galleries courtesy of, depicting new skins for the protagonists and a handful of the new guns we can expect to see in the add-on.
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Although there is no official release date yet for Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt, it is expected to be included in the Borderlands 2 Season Pass.
Borderlands 2 is available now on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Windows PC.