The new 30XX character Dally is a fantastic new addition to the game | Hands-on impressions

by on September 19, 2024

Last year 30XX burst into my life, creating a Mega Man X inspired Roguelike that I simply adored. Well just over a year on from launch the game is going from strength to strength, and diving back in I was greeted with all sorts of wonderful new content that shook up a few runs. This new content has been free for all robot busting fans to enjoy, but now as version 1.3 looms there’s also a paid new character on the horizon. I’ve had the chance to jump into a whole lot of runs with new 30XX hero Dally, and can confirm her addition to this futuristic Roguelike is definitely a positive one.

Particularly dedicated fans of 30XX will probably recognise Dally, at least in her non-combat form. This adorable little robot kitty can be found in your hub HQ between runs, and with a certain purchase from the hub shop will also grant you a selection of free power ups at the start of each run. Not content with being a helpful NPC, Dally has now decided to don the Catastrophe Armour mech suit and go on a bot busting adventure herself, and she might just be my new favourite character to play as.

30XX's Dally

Instead of a slow charging blaster or beam sword, this new kitty cat mech uses a machine gun blaster to deal with enemies. Unlike other characters though, Dally charges her powerful super attacks by Charge instead of NRG. This essentially means you’ll be able to keep using them by defeating enemies instead of finding NRG drops around stages, and is perfect for more violent players.

Dally has plenty of different super attacks to collect from the bosses you beat too, ranging from massive lasers to summoning crystals that shoot out above you. Upgrading these is novel with Dally too, as she collects Bell upgrades that can combine with any one of your attacks to improve them. There are loads of combinations to experiment with, and when you find one you love it feels amazing.

30XX's Dally

Alongside the release of Dally as a new 30XX hero, the 1.3 patch of the game adds a whole lot of other goodies whether you’re paying for the kitty or not. Some boss battles are revamped with all new randomised versions, there are new runs called eternal challenges which provide something tougher for veterans, and there’s even a free new character called Dolto who is such a lovable little goofball. It’s worth booting up 30XX again even if you’re not planning on paying for Dally, but I can’t promise you won’t change your mind and open your wallet after jumping back into this wonderful Roguelike.

30XX is still a fantastic Mega Man style Roguelike a year later, and the addition of Dally only cements it as a game I’ll never uninstall. With loads of new content included since launch there’s never been a better time to jump into 30XX, and with Dally on your side you’ll be taking down nasty robots with ease and having a blast doing so.

30XX is out now on PC and consoles.