The Casting of Frank Stone: how to keep everyone alive

by on September 3, 2024

The Casting of Frank Stone is another fun story-driven game by Supermassive Games, and if you want to know how to keep everyone alive you’ve come to the right place. As usual there’s a trophy/achievement (“Entity Displeased”) that will pop for doing this, and due to some of the story elements, it’s a little trickier than you might normally assume.

There are a few tricks for how to keep everyone alive in The Casting of Frank Stone that are general to most of this type of game, but it’s also worth noting that you can use accessibility options to turn off some of the tougher challenges in the game. That said, we’d recommend simply playing on the easier difficulty as sometimes you might want to fail things to succeed. We’d also suggest grabbing as many of the collectible lore items as you can, to flesh out the story and characters.


The Casting of Frank Stone: how to keep everyone alive

Please do not read on unless you have finished The Casting of Frank Stone at least once or are not bothered about the plot or key events being spoiled. In order to provide the information required to keep everyone alive, we’ll need to go into certain details that spoil the story. You have been warned. That said, since most of the solutions to keeping everyone alive are based on specific major decisions, we’ll be as spoiler-free as we can be.

Note: This is just one set of solutions to keep everyone alive. There are other combinations that work that will also keep them alive. Also, ensure you’re kind to your companions wherever possible, making sure to not sour relationships, and grab any items you can to enrich their narratives and the overall story.

The Casting of Frank Stone | Keep everyone alive with QTEs

The Casting of Frank Stone: how to keep everyone alive

If you’ve played a game by Supermassive Games before, you’ll know that Quick Time Events (or QTEs) play a key role in keeping people alive. There are only a few to worry about in this new game, as follows:

  • Button Mash – repeatedly press the same button over and over within the time limit
  • Aimed Hit – You will need to aim with the right stick of the controller, and then hit with the right trigger button
  • Timed – hold the relevant trigger button and time your press within the circle as shown on screen

The majority of the ones you’ll need to survive in The Casting of Frank Stone are the Timed ones, so make sure you get those right early on.

Key Decisions to keep everyone alive

As Jaime, flee

As Jaime, flee

The first choice you will have comes in Chapter 5, and it’s when the game properly starts to get going. It may seem counterintuitive to run away from the person he’s dating, but if you stay to try and help you will lose Jaime. Before this you can also decide whether to stay together with Chris or break up, and we’d recommend you stay together, and this improves the relationship before you “flee” and upset Chris. Later on you can choose to not punch Jaime, and we’d recommend this as a route, too.

As Linda, choose to take the diary and NOT the pouch

As Linda, choose to take the diary and NOT the pouch

Later, you will be playing as Linda in 2024 and Sam will take a tumble. You will be given the choice to grab the letter or explore his pouch. Do not touch the pouch as this contains his gun and is needed later. Grab the letter, and even if you fail to take it, you will have made a key decision that affects things later on.

Send Chris back to her timeline

Send Chris back to her timeline

After Jaime flees from Chris, she will arrive in an unfamiliar place. There’s a temptation to keep her around, as she’d be rightly scared. But you must send her straight back. You’ll know if you’ve made a mistake here as Stan will have a QTE that can kill him. So instead, make sure you hammer the button to send Chris back to her own time and space.

The Pendant: give it to Stan

The Casting of Frank Stone: how to keep everyone alive

Whatever you do here, you must not let Madi have the pendant. If she gets this, there will be two chances to have her die, and since we’re trying to keep everyone alive in The Casting of Frank Stone, we don’t want that. If you’ve followed our instructions then Madi will be with Stan, and he wants the pendant, so give it to him. If you’re struggling to find it, there’s a room with a secret exit you must go through in the story, and the pendant is on the bedside table.

Explore the storm drain as Sam to save Jaime

The Casting of Frank Stone: how to keep everyone alive

We’re near the end now, and in Chapter 13 you will take control of “past” Sam, and explore the storm drains. It’s easy to miss if you’re not using headphones or playing with sound high up, but Jaime is hurt and will cry out. In the first area you must explore and find him before you go down another level.

Here you will have to fend off Frank Stone with the camera, and it’s probably the quickest example of it. You’ll have done it a few times, but be patient as he very suddenly appears and you have to immediately hold the right trigger to capture him and scare him away.,

Fend off Frank as Sam to save Linda

The Casting of Frank Stone: how to keep everyone alive

Shortly afterwards, you’ll have to film Frank again as he bears down on Linda. As before, you just hold the left trigger to aim the camera, and right trigger to fend him off. Make sure you watch your reload bar, and be wary of his essence making you suddenly swerve off target.

Chapter 14: who to let Frank swallow?

The Casting of Frank Stone: how to keep everyone alive

You’ve gotten to the last hurdle now, and there are a lot of quickfire choices to make. First of all, as you’re controlling Sam, do not confront Stan. Focus on Augustine. Stan will creep around and go near the projector screen, whereby Frank will grab him. Purposefully fail this QTE, and you’ll then get another option as Sam to save him, but instead choose “Back Away”. Frank has to consume someone, and Stan is a non-player controlled character, and the trophy is about saving the people you control. Let Stan go…

As Linda, help Madi

As Linda, help Madi

You’re all trying to escape at once, and the choices come thick and fast. As Linda, you will be with Madi, fixing the power for the lift. Frank will come barrelling towards you and separate you, putting Madi on the floor. You have two choices, and you need to choose to help Madi. The swallowed Stan will stop Frank killing anyone here, and you can move on to the next choice.

As Linda, flee and leave Sam, and don’t fail any QTEs

We’ve grouped these two together as they’re directly related and happen in quick succession. You will play as Linda (don’t fail the QTE when Frank swings at you, though you do have two chances) and bump into Sam, who tells you to go. Listen to him and flee, and you’ll swap over to playing as Sam, and he will have three QTE button prompts to finish his section. Frank will swing, and you need to hit the circle challenge or be in trouble. Then up the stairs, again, succeed. Then finally he will corner you and you need to win one final circle challenge.

As Madi, refuse Augustine

As Madi, refuse Augustine

Last but not least, Madi will run into Augustine and be offered help again. Tell her to “go fuck yourself”, and that’ll pretty much finish the story off with everyone alive. You’ll be controlling Madi till the end now, and you can grab the two collectibles in the forest, but otherwise, watch the scene until the end and the trophy/achievement will pop up.

You have now completed The Casting of Frank Stone and managed to keep everyone alive, and in doing so bagged the “Good” Entity Displeased trophy/achievement.