Dungeons of Hinterberg | How to fast travel

by on July 18, 2024

While Dungeons of Hinterberg is a fairly large game overall, it’s not open world, instead taking place in a series of themed areas and a central town hub where protagonist Luisa can shop and socialise. There is, however, a lot to do in each area, which necessitates a fair amount of moving around, back tracking, and revisiting places. Luckily, there’s a handy fast travel system that makes getting around much easier, so read on and we’ll tell you how to fast travel in Dungeons of Hinterberg.

You can actually unlock fast travel almost right away, and you’ll want to use it too. While there’s a lot to see and discover in the various environs of Hinterberg, walking everywhere is a bit of a pain. And beside, the loading times are so fast you’d be a fool not to use the system.

Dungeons of Hinterberg fast travel

In each area you’ll find tourist maps on notice boards, the kind you see in country parks and city centres with a “You are here” arrow on them. On the map they’re denoted by a couple of stacked chevron like a military badge. You can either fast-travel directly from them, or open up the map interface and fast-travel from that instead.

Handily, there’s usually a fast-travel map point beside Scenic Spots and dungeon entrances, so if Luisa has had a heavy night reading or binge-watching TV, you can jump straight a Scenic Spot as soon as you reach your destination, get some R&R, and refresh ready for the next day’s adventuring. It also means it’s worth fully exploring the map of an area as you can easily jump back to unexplored Dungeons later. Bear in mind, though, that you can’t jump between areas, inky between travel points within the same area, as moving to and from town will trigger the advance of time.

So there you go, now you know how to fast-travel in Dungeons of Hinterberg. Why not check out our review of the full game to see what we thought?

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