Dungeons of Hinterberg | How to enchant your weapon

by on July 18, 2024

Combat in Dungeons of Hinterberg isn’t hugely taxing. It’s a pretty straightforward affair involving the standard heavy and light attack, with a dodge and few magical attacks thrown in. That being said, it does like to throw enemies at you in large numbers – especially in the late game – and isn’t shy about hitting you with boss encounters out of nowhere. Luckily, you can enhance Luisa’s sword with a variety of effects – if you know where to look and who to talk to. Read on to find out how to enchant your weapon in Dungeons of Hinterberg.

In order to boost your weapon with a magical enchantment you need two things: the enchantment itself, and a spell-smith. Handily for you, you will meet and befriend the local spell-smith, Hannah, early on in the story. As for the enchantments, well, you’ll need to go adventuring and looting to find those. There’s a good variety to be had, too, and they’re usually found in treasure chests or given as rewards for solving puzzles.

Dungeons of Hinterberg enchant your weapon

They can boost attack and defence, or add special abilities to your weapon, and they can really make a difference in combat. Most weapons can carry at least one enchantment, denoted by the greyed-out slots on the weapon’s status bar. The more slots you have, the more enchantments you can equip – and she won’t even charge you.

Simply take them to Hannah in the evening and have her enchant your weapon. You can also buy the enchantments from her, which makes up for the fee. You can switch them out as much as you like too, allowing for a certain amount of rudimentary build-crafting.

And now you know how to enchant your weapon in Dungeons of Hinterberg. Why not check out our review of the full game to see what we thought.

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