Dungeons of Hinterberg | How to boost your stats

by on July 18, 2024

Luisa, the protagonist of Dungeons of Hinterberg, is a tough nut. Armed with a sharp blade and a variety of spells, she’s ready to tackle the dangers of Hinterberg’s multiple dungeons and legions of monsters, all in the name of a really good holiday. But grim determination will only get you so far, and if she wants to survive, she’ll need to improve her various stats. But how exactly do you boost your stats in Dungeons of Hinterberg? Read on and we’ll tell you.

Luisa has several primary stats: HP, MP, Magical attack and defence, and Physical attack and defence. The effects of these are fairly self explanatory, as is why getting a higher value in any or all of them is desirable.

Dungeons of Hinterberg boost your stats

But she also has more unusual stats that directly affect her wellbeing and how she interacts with others. Renown is her fame as a Slayer (what they call adventure tourists in Hinterberg), and affects how people react to her, particularly other Slayers. Amusement is her ability to let her hair down and chill, and affects whether she will hang out with certain NPCs at all. Familiarity is Luisa’s knowledge of Hinterberg and its history, while the final stat, Relaxation, governs Luisa’s ability to switch off from the stresses of the real world.

All of these stats can be boosted in various ways, and we’ve listed them below:

Indulging in some dungeon-crawling is the perfect way to level up Luisa’s “Slayer Rating”, which will boost her base stats. It will also increase her Renown by making her more famous and prolific. So go get adventuring.

There are many, many NPCs in and around Hinterberg who will happily spend an evening with Luisa – provided she hits certain criteria. Famous Slayer Renaud, for example, won’t hang out with Luisa unless she has a high enough Renown score. And she can’t party with veteran Sam unless her Amusement is at a certain level. But spending time with people naturally increases certain stats anyway, so make sure you take time to make friends.

Dungeons of Hinterberg boost your stats

Scenic Spots can be found on all maps, and can be visited multiple times as a way to pass the afternoon and advance time into evening, allowing Luisa to return to town without tackling a dungeon. But they have other uses. The first time you visit one you’ll gain a permanent boost to a specific stat, such as an increase in HP, so it’s worth seeking them out wherevber you can.

Chilling out
Visiting the spa in town or simply relaxing in her hotel room will increase Luisa’s Relaxation and Familiarity. Reading and watching TV are great ways to learn about the town, while they can also boost her Amusement. Be aware, though, that staying up late will make Luisa tired the next day and reduce her HP or MP, so it’s sometimes worth skipping the dungeoneering for a spot of sightseeing the day after a late night.

Gearing up
And finally, of course, you can boost Luisa’s base stats by equipping stronger, more expensive or rarer weapons and armour, charms and enchantments. You will earn plenty of Hinterbucks while exploring and questing, so yuou might as well spend them on self-improvement.

So there you are: now you know how to boost your stats in Dungeons of Hinterberg. Why not check out the full review to see what we thought.

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