To the Star gets gameplay trailer

by on June 28, 2024

Covenant.dev has revealed the first look at gameplay for its upcoming base-building science fiction title, To the Star. Players will get to be creative in this Alice in Wonderland-inspired world as they progress through magical worlds to reach the ultimate objective: a fallen star.

To the Star invites players into a cooperative crafting adventure where they explore a whimsical fantasy realm inspired by Alice in Wonderland. Build and customize in your magical Briefbase, gain incredible abilities, confront extraordinary creatures, and solve surreal challenges on your quest to uncover the mystery behind the fallen star.

The Briefbase is a place for you to build your base within a private dimension that you carry on your back in a magical briefcase. When players are done exploring, fighting, and gathering materials, they can hop in and improve your base, as well as investing your hard work into farming resources and Skillbuildings which improve their character’s abilities. This base is also a safe space to get creative with the ingredients found while exploring, allowing players to mix and match to craft consumables, throwable items, or even bullets. Finally, the Briefbase is freely customisable to reflect the player’s personality, even adding their own music while changing background objects, skyboxes, and more.

For those of you who are interested in playing To the Star, the developers will be running future playtests which you can sign up for here. There have already been a few successful ones via an early build, but there’s no time like the present to get ahead of the curve and sign up in anticipation to try out the game in the future.

You can also watch the To the Star gameplay trailer here: