Riven (2024) | Complete Walkthrough – Part 11

by on June 25, 2024

Welcome to Part 11 of our Riven walkthrough for 2024. In case you didn’t realise, this is a fully remade version of the classic sequel to Myst, and as such, the puzzles and solutions are completely different. In Part 11 of our Riven walkthrough 2024 we continue your journey through the entire game, so you never get stuck, lost, or frustrated with a puzzle in the remake.

Riven (2024) | Complete Walkthrough

Part 11 – The Finale


a. Freeing Catherine

Riven Walkthrough Part 11

You can actually achieve an alternative ending if you do not do this step now. Instead skip the step to free Catherine and proceed with the “Escaping Riven” step. This will summon Atrus with Catherine still trapped and earn you this achievement. It is advised to do this on a separate save file.


Armed with the code to free Catherine from her cell, we need to head on over to Prison Island. We’ve been dumped on Boiler Island, so use the Spinning Dome here to access the Starry Expanse, and travel to Prison Island. Remember the symbol for Prison Island is:

Just in case you need reminding when rotating the globe device in the Expanse. Head on up and out of the Starry Expanse and onto Prison Island. Head down the ladder, and along the path until you get to the locked elevator door. Look to the right, and interact with the levers there, each of which make a different sound. Our code from Gehn’s timepiece was:

snap, snap, ding, ding ding

So we put that in, and the elevator automatically gets called down. Head inside and pull on the handle to raise the elevator up to Catherine’s cell. A cutscene will play, where she’ll be pleased you captured Gehn in the Linking Book. She says she needs to go and rescue the rest of the Moiety, and take them to Tay to be safe from Gehn’s men.

She then asks you to head back to where you entered Riven and to reopen the fissure to signal Atrus. She also reminds you that the combination is in her journal – we read that back on Tay and noted it down. Now we need to use it.

b. Escaping Riven

Now we need to heed Catherine’s words and head back to where this adventure all started, back on Temple Island where we first appeared on Riven.

As there are no direct links of transport on Prison Island, we will again need to use the Starry Expanse to traverse to Temple Island. One last time as a reminder, the symbol for Temple Island is the following:

Use the Starry Expanse and then head out of the Spinning Dome on Temple Island. Head back through the Rotating Room, and then right and down the steps to the plateau where you linked in at the beginning of your adventure. Look to your right for a big machine that has sat idle until now. We need to figure out a 10-digit code to get the machine working. Remember Catherine told us the code in here journal. It was:


This is written in Moiety numbers, but we need to translate to D’ni numbers. You should be comfortable with this at this point, but in case you’re struggling, the full solution of inputs is on the screen below:


With the machine now operational, you can move it. You mainly need to move it left initially, by flipping the lever in the bottom-left of the panel, and then holding the central lever left. You want to hook the machine in the metal loop just above the silo, and you may need to tweak the height so it fits. One it is in the loop, change the direction to up, and then keep going until you open up the fissure.

A cut scene will play out, with Atrus appearing, and him being reunited with Catherine.

By capturing Gehn, and reuniting Atrus with Catherine, you have completed Riven, with the best possible ending, and earn this achievement!