Monster Hunter Now Season Two coming next week

by on June 6, 2024

Capcom has announced that Season Two of Monster Hunter Now, titled ‘Dancing in the Tempest,’ begins on June 12 at 5pm PT. The new season includes tons of content such as three major updates spread across Dancing in the Tempest, meaning players are going to get a whole summer of treats coming to the game.

Below is an extensive list of almost everything coming in Season Two of Monster Hunter Now:

  • Elder Dragon Interceptions – Elder dragons are monsters that have existed since ancient times and possess traits that transcend human knowledge. They are often compared to natural disasters and feature in legends around the world. The elder dragon Kushala Daora will make its debut in the new Elder Dragon Interceptions feature – stay tuned for more details coming soon.
  • Three new large monsters – In addition to Kushala Daora, Khezu and Basarios are coming to Monster Hunter Now at the start of Season 2. Kushala Daora will only appear through Elder Dragon Interceptions, whereas Khezu and Basarios will appear on the field once players have unlocked the corresponding Season 2 story quests. In addition to these three, Niantic will add more large monsters throughout Season 2.
  • Additional weapon type: Gunlance – Season 2 adds the gunlance, a weapon type that combines the robustness of a lance with some mighty firepower. Experience the sheer force of its Wyvern’s Fire, a high-power attack, and Burstfire, an attack that unleashes a barrage of damage. Keen hunters should take advantage of how the gunlance attack power increases as it heats up from firing.
  • New weapon and armor skills – New monsters and a new weapon type also means that new skills will be available for hunters to add to their arsenal. Players can look forward to Kushala Frostwind, Artillery, Special Insurance, and more.
  • New hunter medals – A new season with more monsters will also feature new hunter medals that players can earn and display in their Guild Card.
  • Season Supply Items – With the start of Season 2, Niantic is giving all players an additional 250 slots with a free Item Box Expansion, available as a Supply Item in the shop. Additionally, the overall limit to the number of times the Item Box capacity can be expanded via gems will also be increased.
  • Story quests and monster appearances – As the seasons change, so does the rotation of monsters appearing on the field. Note that for the monsters leaving the field with the start of season 2, players can unlock them once more by completing urgent quests in the Season 2 story quest. From the start of season 2 through June 24 at 7:59 a.m. PT, the rate of appearance of Khezu in swamp areas and Basarios in desert areas will increase. The density of monsters in the fields will also be increased during this period. Coral Pukei-Pukei, Basarios, Khezu will appear at Hunt-a-thon points. Coral Pukei-Pukei will also appear at Hunt-a-thons after the event. Kushala Daora will only appear as part of Elder Dragon Interceptions
  • Season Pass for Season 2 – A new season pass will be available providing all players with rewards via the free plan, including in-game items, cosmetic layered equipment, Zenny and monster parts. An additional rewards track will also be available via a paid premium plan. Note that once season 2 begins, players will no longer be able to unlock season 1 rewards, but they will still be able to claim any unclaimed rewards for up to one month.
  • Monster Hunter Stories celebration quests – Monster Hunter Stories is the first RPG in the Monster Hunter series, originally released by Capcom in 2016. A remastered version launches June 14, and Monster Hunter Now will feature a special event quest to celebrate. By completing the Monster Hunter Stories event quests, players can earn limited-edition hunter medals and limited-edition layered outfits.

Players should keep their ears peeled as there are going to be more announcements made regarding Season Two of Monster Hunter Now throughout July, and the developers will be previewing the title at Steam Next Fest this weekend.