Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor adds more content in “Masteries” update

by on June 26, 2024

Developer Funday Games and publisher Ghost Ship Publishing has announced the “Masteries” update for Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor.

Released on June 25th, there will be new masteries to tackle, and dangerous “anomaly dives” in the darkness of Hoxxes IV. The developer says: “After a routine Longbeard Freight delivery went disastrously wrong, a load of Morkite Reactor Cores have rained down and buried deep into Hoxxes IV. Mission Control is asking players to venture down onto the planet to recover the precious cores. However, these cores are prone to hazardous radiation, which has sparked anomalies in the form of two new game modes – Masteries and Anomaly Dives.”


Take the challenge to the next level with Masteries, each adding all-new milestones to achieve. Split across three different sub-missions – Weapon Masteries, Class Mod Masteries, and Biome Masteries – each will offer permanent power increases to weapons, class mods, and biomes – progressed even further with hazard level completion – for those who are up to the task and able to prove they have what it takes.

These masteries will allow dwarves to showcase their talents and attempt to impress Mission Control with their skills. Weapon Masteries unlock after reaching level 12 with the equipped weapon and are designed to teach dwarves the strengths and weaknesses of their arsenal. From there, dwarves can tackle masteries, where they will only have access to that single chosen weapon across three stages before ending in the usual nail-biting boss fight.

There are also Class Mod Masteries, one for each class mod, which pits those brave enough on a smaller map without the ability to heal. There’s no need to worry about acquiring minerals in this action-packed mode, as it’s all about killing as many bugs as possible to impress Mission Control. Finally, Biome Masteries work similarly to the main mission, but with a whopping five extra stages added, making this the longest and most intense dive yet… for now.

On top of this, Anomaly Dives is an addition that offers a more challenging way to play. There are modifiers present in these modes that will each offer unique challenges. Funday Games says: “From the Bloody Learner mode, which sees dwarves losing their health when they level up, to No Movement, where player movement is restricted to only being able to turn until the drop pod arrives; Anomaly Dives are reserved for those who wish to prove they can overcome the impossible.”

There’s also new artifacts, meta upgrade shop additions, and the team says “much more”.

Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor is out now in early access on PC via Steam.