Iron Electronics is a material in Lightyear Frontier, that can be tricky to work out how to get hold of. It isn’t always clear from the game itself what materials you need to progress, and how to acquire them. Some materials can be found as raw materials in the outside world, whereas some materials need to be crafted separately in a machine. It can be quite tricky figuring out therefore exactly what you need to do to acquire certain materials in the game. However, we’ve spent a long time in the world of Lightyear Frontier, hunting down all the materials you need to progress. And in this guide, we discuss how you can get your hands on the Iron Electronics. So if you’ve found yourself wondering how to get a hold of Iron Electronics in Lightyear Frontier, then read on.
Can I find Iron Electronics as a raw material in Lightyear Frontier?
Iron Electronics isn’t a raw material in Lightyear Frontier that you can find out in the open. As such it means you will need to craft it in a machine. Iron Electronics needs to be crafted using the Assembler machine. To build the machine itself you will need 10 Aluminum Rods, 10 Stone, and 4 Plant Oil.
Once built, you can produce an Iron Electronics in the Assembler. To do so you will need 1 Iron Bar and 2 Copper Wires.
Where can I find the materials I need?
Iron Bars are a material that also needs to be crafted. For this, you will need the Furnace machine. To make an Iron Bar, you will need 2 Iron Ore and 1 Coal.
Copper Wire is also made in the Assembler, needing 2 Copper Ore to make each one.
What do I need the Iron Electronics for?
You use Iron Electronics for the following upgrades and buildings:
- Spike Saw Power III
- Lock-on Targets II
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