Chromaize Oil is a material in Lightyear Frontier, that can be tricky to work out how to get hold of. It isn’t always clear from the game itself what materials you need to progress, and how to acquire them. Some materials can be found as raw materials in the outside world, whereas some materials need to be crafted separately in a machine. It can be quite tricky figuring out therefore exactly what you need to do to acquire certain materials in the game. However, we’ve spent a long time in the world of Lightyear Frontier, hunting down all the materials you need to progress. And in this guide, we discuss how you can get your hands on Chromaize Oil. So if you’ve found yourself wondering how to get a hold of Chromaize Oil in Lightyear Frontier, then read on.
Can I find Chromaize Oil as a raw material in Lightyear Frontier?
Chromaize Oil isn’t a raw material in Lightyear Frontier that you can find out in the open. As such it means you will need to craft it in a machine. Chromaize Oil needs to be crafted using the Oil Presser machine. To build the machine itself you will need 16 Stones and 12 Wood.
Once built, you can produce Chromaize Oil in the Oil Presser. To do so you will need 1 Chromaize.
Where can I find the materials I need?
Chromaize plants grow in the following regions:
- Stepstone Peak
Harvest their seeds using the Vacuum, and then plant them in a plot to grow new plants yourself. After a few days of watering, they will be ready to harvest into your own Chromaize plants.
What do I need the Chromaize Oil for?
You use Chromaize Oil for the following upgrades and buildings:
- Solar Dehydrator
- Spike Saw Damage II
- Field Plow
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