One of the best collectible sets to complete in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown is the map pieces. With our map locations guide we’ll let you know where each of the pieces are hidden, so you can have a complete map, and explore everything Ubisoft’s latest game has to offer.
From the Hyrcanian Forest to the Soma Tree, and everywhere in-between, this Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown map locations guide will mean you can see every inch of the map, so you don’t miss a secret anywhere. We’ll list the place the map piece is for, and any information that’ll help you find it, along with an image of the map so you can pinpoint the location. Each map piece costs 50 Time Crystals, but you should always have that on you, and if not, just run around killing enemies to get amount, quick.
The easiest way to get them is to just run down our list and check them off from your own map. If you can’t access a location, you will need to ensure you are far enough into the game to get access. For example, later game areas require powers from completing story bosses later into the game. Moreover, some are hidden beneath lifts and require use of the “rewind” power, for example. Experiment with the locations, make use of fast travel, and with our maps you can get every one of the map locations unlocked, and have a 100% complete map.