Amazon Games has today launched its September update for Lost Ark, introducing Jump-Start Servers, Yoz’s Jar, a new Ark Pass, and more. As detailed in the official blog, the new servers will provide a ‘fresh beginning and faster vertical and horizontal progression,’ making it a great time for players who might not have played for some time to jump back in.
We’re excited to welcome new and returning players to the shores of Arkesia and help them experience the many unique raids, dungeons, and character systems that make Lost Ark special. We recognize that the game encountered many challenges at launch, with a steep progression curve, bots, and stability issues. We’ve made serious strides in addressing these and feel confident that we’re in a good place to bring players back.
Jump-Start Servers will allow players to jump to an item level of 1415. The servers will be isolated from other servers with an independent Party Finder, Marketplace, Auction House, and PvE matchmaking. After players have gone from Mokoko to veteran adventurer, the Jump-Start Servers will reconnect to the rest of the region. The Primal Island Battle Royale is a new event where players will face off against hordes of ferocious dinosaurs on Primal Island, fighting against opponents to be the last one standing. It’ll be available to anyone of item level 1490 or higher. Yoz’s Jar is a new consumable that offers Epic and Legendary skins, where players can break them down for Cloth which can be used to roll a new skin from a set list.
The Lost Ark September update also includes the Mokoko Kindergarten Ark Pass, featuring new ways for players to earn impactful rewards by playing. There’re 30 levels to progress through, featuring various missions offering new rewards. The regular Ark Pass is free and offers a variety of rewards, however, by purchasing Royal Crystals, players can unlock two premium reward tracks for more rewards and cosmetics. Finally, Arktoberfest comes to Lost Ark, featuring festival-themed food at a token exchange and in Hot Time Events, as well as new cosmetics as Twitch Drops.