Remnant 2 has its fair share of boss encounters and they can be tricky to overcome. As such you may be in need of a helping hand to help you blast through and beat these tricky fights.
So to help you out, we’ve pulled together guides for every boss we’ve beaten in Remnant 2, so that you can best these dangerous foes with ease. Read on to find the solutions to beating each boss in Remnant 2.
Remnant 2 | A note on progression
Remnant 2 isn’t a linear experience at all. After the initial prologue of the game which serves as a tutorial, you will be transported as part of the story to one of several worlds that you can explore. This means you could experience worlds – and therefore – bosses in a unique order from another player. As such we have grouped our boss guides in Remnant 2 by world, so that you can better find the boss you need, and quickly find the solution.
The other point to note is that you may not actually find all the bosses listed in your playthrough, as even in the same world, the layouts are procedurally generated and that means some bosses may not actually appear for you. As such, we have listed all the bosses we have located so far, and how we have beaten them. So don’t worry if you see a boss in your world that you don’t see. You may not have done anything wrong, and it may mean you just need to replay the game to see the bosses listed below.
Remnant 2 | Boss Guides
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Sets: Prologue | Losomn (Dran) | Losomn (Fae) | N’Erud | Yaesha | Root Earth
Prologue Bosses
Root Mantis
Losomn (Dran) Bosses
Note: You may not know which part of Losomn you’re in initially. If it appears to be a dark urban area, with a Bloodborne-type feel, you are in Dran. If it has more flying enemies, with an elvish, Anor Londo-type aesthetic, then you are in the Fae area.
Gwendil: The Unburnt
Barghest the Vile
The Nightweaver
Losomn (Fae) Bosses
Note: You may not know which part of Losomn you’re in initially. If it appears to be a dark urban area, with a Bloodborne-type feel, you are in Dran. If it has more flying enemies, with an elvish, Anor Londo-type aesthetic, then you are in the Fae area.
N’Erud Bosses
Note: When you enter N’Erud, you’ll either find yourself at Seeker’s Rest or The Forgotten Prison. This will signify which story you’re playing and determine the end boss and many of your objectives. Some dungeons will appear in either story.
The Primogenitor
The Abomination
Yaesha Bosses
Note: Yaesha has two starting points with a fair amount of overlap. These starting points will determine which main boss you’ll fight at the end of the world. You’ll either start at The Red Throne, or the Forbidden Grove.
Kaeula’s Shadow
Root Earth Bosses
Note: Root Earth is the final area of the game and is only accessible after beating the three world bosses that came before. It is not part of the procedural campaign, and is always the final world.
Annihilation, the Final Boss
Why not check out our other Remnant 2 guides:
Remnant 2 | How long to beat
Remnant 2 | How to play online
Remnant 2 | How to use Mutators
Remnant 2 | How to unlock a second Archetype
Remnant 2 | How to upgrade weapons
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Ward 13 Safe
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Losomn Asylum safe