Starship Troopers: Extermination first major update adds a new region

by on June 29, 2023

The first big update for Starship Troopers: Extermination is here, and it adds a new region to the map, as well as other things. This is just the first update in a planned list, and the developer Offworld Industries has been pretty clear from the get-go about how “early” the early access for Starship Troopers: Extermination actually is.

So the first update is The Mutated Sands 0.3.0, and it adds a new region of Valaka called The Fuel Depot that you need to take back from the enemy. The new location is “replete with factories that provide multi-level environments to combat the Bugs”. There’s also a new weapon structure to the base building aspect called the Machine Gun Emplacement, and you can probably summise what that is from the name, but Offworld says it’s “inspired in design by the iconic weaponry used in the Starship Troopers film and capable of decimating the waves of Arachnids seeking to conquer your base”.

Check out the update trailer, below:


In addition to the new location and supplementary emplacement, the Mutated Sands: 0.3.0 Update introduces Mutators, brand-new game variants that can adjust the parameters of every match—such as increasing Bug Health—to add variety and augment difficulty for more dynamic combat. Accompanied by balance adjustments for all weapons and various quality-of-life improvements, the Mutated Sands: 0.3.0 Update is the first step in bringing ST:E to its fully-realized 1.0 edition.

By collaborating with players through the beginning stages of Early Access, the Offworld Industries team has enlisted the ST:E community to help determine what features and mechanics to build upon and evolve before the game’s eventual transition into 1.0. Player feedback continues to be integral to the ongoing creative process, as Offworld Industries works to iterate upon prevalent requests and continues adding more and more content in the weeks and months ahead.

Mick has been playing the version before this new update, and he enjoyed it, saying: “Starship Troopers: Extermination has a long way to go yet before it can be considered “finished”, but what’s here is a solid starting point. The base-building works, the shooting works, and the team-play works – it all just needs to be a little clearer for newcomers. There’s a lot of fun to be had even at this stage if you’re playing with friends, and this first look has given me high hopes for the future”.

The game is available now in early access on PC via Steam.