Savage Mutt is the eighth request you can get in Resident Evil 4 Remake. Handing in this request to the Merchant will reward you with Spinels to trade for various unique rewards. However, completing the request can be a little tricky, but don’t worry, here at God is a Geek, we’ve got all the information you need to complete the request. Read on for everything you need to know about the Savage Mutt request in Resident Evil 4 Remake.
Resident Evil 4 remake Savage Mutt request details
General Information
Request: Savage Mutt
Where to find the Request
In Chapter 5, you’ll need to escape the Church and surrounding area with Ashley in tow. This can prove quite difficult given the amount of Ganados to get passed. Once you reach the Merchant outside the Town Hall, you’ll know you are safe. And it is here that this Request will now appear for the first time. To the left of the door leading to the Town Hall, you’ll see it up on the wall.
Request Details
I need someone to get rid of the wild dog that’s been roaming around the village.
It’ll be easy to spot; it’s not like normal dogs.
Area: Village Chief’s Manor
Reward: Spinel x8
Progress: 0/1
Cutoff Point: You must finish this quest before the end of Chapter 5. The point of no return is crossing the rope bridge from the Farm towards the extraction point once you have rescued Ashley. It makes sense to complete this request in Chapter 4 as it’s easy to do.
Resident Evil 4 remake Savage Mutt solution
Find the Savage Mutt
The first thing you’ll want to do is actually find the foe you’ll need to take down. And that’s trickier than it might seem. The Request Details mention the Mutt is roaming around the Village, but then the Area on the request mentions the Village Chief’s Manor. And if you check your map that seems to confirm the Chief’s Manor too. So where is the Mutt?
Well if you travel to the Chief’s Manor – and you absolutely should, not least to access the loft space above the Chief’s bedroom now that you have Ashley in tow. But the dog doesn’t appear to be anywhere. It isn’t inside the house, or at the front or rear of it either.
What it seems you need to do is actually return to the Village from the Chief’s Manor direction. And that seems to spawn the Savage Mutt as you approach the main Village area.
How to kill the Savage Mutt
The Savage Mutt is a larger, tougher and more aggressive version of the dogs you meet that have been taken over by Las Plagas. As such it is a formidable foe for this stage in the game. Your best bet is to focus on Shotgun blasts when the dog is close to you, to give yourself some space and to avoid being hit.
Once there is space between the two of you, resort to your handgun towards the head (ideally) or body. If you’re running low on ammo, then the TMP is a good shout, but try to make as many bullets hit rather than spray and pray. The dog is quick, so the TMP isn’t often the best choice for accuracy.
As with most enemies, be aware of any melee opportunities, and especially look out for when the dog is writhing on the ground and you can get a knife attack in to conserve ammunition. Eventually, the Savage Mutt should go down, and don’t forget to loot the body for treasure.
Congratulations you can now turn in the Savage Mutt request for Resident Evil 4 Remake to the Merchant to bag your Spinels.