In A Plague Tale Requiem, there is an Explorer trophy/achievement that you can get, but it’s not immediately clear what you need to do to unlock it. The description of it mentions Secret Chests, and they are actually the special workbenches that you need to unlock using a Knife. There are 10 of these to find in the game, and finding them all will net you the Explorer trophy/achievement in A Plague Tale Requiem.
Here are all the locations:
A Plague Tale Requiem | How to get the Explorer Achievement
Chapter 3
When Amicia and Lucas enter the barn where the ballista is hanging from the ceiling and Amicia is looking for her sling, they come across the first Secret Chest of the game. It’s the same barn as the “Our Home” Souvenir.
It is very easy to find and is on the ground floor of the barn. All Secret Chests look the same and are locked up workbenches. Simply approach them, and use a Knife to unlock them. The Knife can be found when you find Amicia’s sling at the opposite end of the barn from where you entered.
Chapter 4
In Chapter 4, the Secret Chest can be found at the point when you have to push the lit brazier with Lucas to get past the rats that have swarmed the dock area and killed the guards. The progression of the game requires you to move the brazier round to the right. However you’re going to want to move it straight ahead when you first grab it.
After a while, you’ll come to a ladder. In a safe position, leave the lit brazier, and ascend the ladder. At the top will be the next Secret Chest.
If you don’t have a knife, then chances are you missed it earlier in the level. It is sticking out of a barrier that you can access whilst hiding from the two guards you need to get past.
Chapter 5
Once Amicia has gotten across from the river, and found a way out of the barn, there’s an open area to explore, between the barn and the bridge you need to cross. There’s some evidence of logging activity here, and if you’re looking for a knife, you’ll want to grab one from the right side of some logs that are near the cliffs.
Once you have a knife, it’s time to find the Secret Chest. For this, head back towards the barn, but this time, go around the back of it. You’ll notice a fence with a gap in it that you can squeeze through.
Once through, climb up the ladder, to the upper area of the barn, and the Secret Chest is in front of you.
Chapter 6
Towards the end of the Chapter, once you finally reach the building, you’ll get inside and Amicia will nearly collapse due to her head injury. But she insists on carrying on. You’ll turn left and instantly see a metal door ahead of you. Through the gaps in the door you can spy a Secret Chest, now we just need to reach it.
Getting to it is actually quite simple. Head to your right, and you will see a small gap under some shelves. Crouch under it to head into a hidden room.
If you look to your left, you’ll find the Secret Chest you saw earlier.
Chapter 7
When you reach the end of the cave section on your way to Sophia, it can be tempting to head for the torch and progress the story.
However just before you do, you’ll want to head to your right, and you’ll notice a large shipwreck and a hole through which you can investigate further.
As you appear on the other side, you’ll notice you’re now on the ship’s deck, and there is another Secret Chest in front of you.
Chapter 8
We’re in the process of updating this guide and will add this Secret Chest shortly.
Chapter 9
This Secret Chest is from the same tower where you can find the “Nice Screeching” Souvenir.
Head to the bottom of the Palace slopes, and head left and hug the cliffside. After a while, you should see a tower that you need to climb for the next Secret Chest.
However the door inside is locked, so you’ll need to unlock it. To do that come back outside the tower, and head around to the left, where you’ll find a small window. Aim your sling through the window at the locked door to unlock it. Go back inside and open the door. Look to your left and you should see a Knife if you need one.
Then head up two ladders in the tower, and then on this floor, you should see the Secret Chest to your right.
Chapter 10
You find this Secret Chest fairly late on in the Chapter. Once you’re outside the fort, and Sophia reveals her useful prism trick, you can access the next Secret Chest. In fact, once you’re reunited by the fire, you can actually see the Secret Chest ahead of you on a ledge sticking out of the fortress wall.
Ignifer the fire ahead of you and then get Sophia to use her prism skill to cross safely. When you get to the fire, don’t cancel her Prism, and instead keep going and make your way to the doorway ahead of you. You’ll just make it before the prism runs out.
Then head up the stairs and out on the ledge to open the Secret Chest.
Chapter 11
As you are making your way through the side passages of the large rat room with the metal bridge, you will actually see the Secret Chest before you reach it. You see it in the following room if you look closely.
From there, bust open the chain, and head out. Sophia and Hugo will call to you, but all you need to do first is head to your left. There will already be a gap in the chains for you to slide through, and then the Secret Chest is yours.
Chapter 13
The final Secret Chest in A Plague Tale – and your ticket to the Explorer achievement – is found in Chapter 13. This is found close to the “Greylag Goose” Feather collectible.
You’ll need to keep progressing until you hear some soldiers talk about Arnaud. Specifically “See that lads?!…That roaring pig is all quiet now…” Amicia, Hugo and Lucas will then discuss him. But more importantly, in this area you will find a pushable cart, and you will need this for the last Feather.
There are two ledges to climb up to using the cart. One progresses the story, the other nets you the Feather. You’ll want to push the cart to the ledge next to the door you came through, and then climb up.
Once up on the ledge head to your right, and open the door you see. The Secret Chest will be on your left.
Congratulations you have now found every Secret Chest in A Plague Tale Requiem and will have bagged the Explorer achievement/trophy.