Here is where you can find all of the Ghostwire Tokyo Tanuki in Mikubo Shrine. Our collections of Ghostwire Tokyo Tanuki screenshots and detailed descriptions should help you find these furry stealth experts in no time.
Ghostwire Tokyo Tanuki Mikubo Shrine details
Mikubo Shrine has one Tanuki for you to try and find. And it can be difficult to find it without any help. Check out our guide below for some additional help
Tanuki 1
XP +100
Emote: Ground Sit 1
This is another Tanuki that is incredibly close to the Shrine, making it easy to find. But you will need to make sure you’re up high for this one, as the Tanuki is on top of a building. From the Shrine, head south a small way, not even into the centre of the built-up area you’re in. Then you’ll want to use a Tengu to get up high. From there use your Spectral Vision to highlight a porecelain Tanuki statue that’s your target. If you can’t quite find where this Tanuki is hiding, check out the map image below.
Description upon finding:
Akito uncovers a tanuki wearing a red necklace wrapped around its neck that had transformed into a porcelain tanuki statue.