The first proper boss you face in Elden Ring is Margit the Fell Omen. As much of a mouthful as he is, we say he’s the first “proper” boss for a reason: you can face 5-10 sub-bosses before Margit, and find them all easy, but the Fell Omen is the first true test. Technically due to the open nature of Elden Ring, Margit the Fell Omen could be encountered later, but in terms of difficulty and placement, he’s clearly the first major obstacle in your path to victory.
Margit is also the obstacle in the way of your progression to Stormveil Castle. He’s not optional, and is the only way to advance to the Legacy Dungeon that is after him. He’s considered a “Greater “Foe” and there’s a site of Grace right near him.
Where is Margit the Fell Omen in Elden Ring?
You’ll find Margit by advancing from Limgrave to Stormhill. You can clear out the enemies one by one, including the giant, but we’d suggest getting on Torrent and riding to safety. Follow the Grace marker and you’ll get to a castle guarded by enemies. This includes one on a trebuchet that fires explosive damage.
Defeat or avoid the enemies and run into the castle corridor to find the site of grace right before the boss encounter.If you’re low level, you can have a go. If you fail badly, come back later with some Spirit Ashes that you’ll find from other sub-bosses and locations.
Can I summon help for Margit the Fell Omen?
Simply put: yes, but we don’t recommend it. There’s a sorcery user NPC you can summon right near the fog door to the boss, and of course you can summon friends as well. However, Margit is very tough if you’re a melee-only user. The AI NPC summon is very squishy and won’t last long, either.
You can also summon spirits using any of the Ashes you’ve collected. The temptation is to use the Lone Wolf Ashes as that summons multiple wolves to attack him. Again, however, they don’t do much damage and are dispatched often before you even reach the second phase of the fight.
How to beat Margit?
If you’ve used summons, and have magic attacks then keep your distance and pepper him with as much as you can. Eventually he’ll turn his attention to you and it becomes about how well you can dodge. If you’re sword and board? Dodge as much as you can. If you see him go for his yellow hammer, this is a physical attack but has a massive range. So again, dodge like the wind.
Margit is extremely aggressive, so we recommend few attacks: but make them count. A jumping heavy attack following by a standard swing can stagger him in conjunction with the right ashes. The one that we had the most success with is the Spirit Jellyfish Ashes. Margit didn’t seem to be able to kill it quickly and it’d do poison damage, and distract him. Use that chance to jump in from behind with a heavy hit, and a follow up. Eventually he’ll stagger and you can get in a critical attack which puts him on his back. Then, get your spacing right, and repeat.
Anything else I should know?
Your weapon arts can be used to great advantage here, but only if you’re a magic user. The melee ones are slower, and Margit attacks with such ferocity you won’t have time to pull them off without taking major damage. If you’ve met Patches at this point and can afford 5000 runes, he sells an item called Margit’s Shackle, which will momentarily lock him in place during his first phase for some free damage.
Also, don’t be put off by this early boss fight. It’s supposed to be tough and ask you to use all your skills. If you really can’t do it, go and explore the world some more. There are lots of dungeons that hide goodies that will help you, so explore, then have another go!