here is the final part of our guide on Mana Fairy locations in Nobody Saves the World. In it, we’ll share the locations of the final five Mana Fairies. Therefore we’ll be covering Mana Fairies #31 to #35 now, which when we’ve found them will max out our Mana. We’re in the home stretch now, let’s finish this. Here are the final five Mana Fairy locations in Nobody Saves the World.
Mana Fairy #31
Mana Fairy Name: Knellie
General location: Shadowlands
How to find
As you move westwards from Wizards Tears you’ll find yourself back in the Shadowlands area, but properly this time. Almost straight from the entrance to this area, head south. Round a corner, you should find a Mana Fairy to add to your collection.
Mana Fairy #32
Mana Fairy Name: Trinkets
General location: The Expanse
How to find
On the above screenshot you’ll see four cave entrances. These all lead to an underground area called The Expanse. Initially you will need to enter from either of the Western entrances. Once inside you will need to shoot the green slimeballs to create additional light as the darkness here will damage you. If you cannot see the next slime to shoot, check out the green dots showing up on your minimap. Make your way to the far southwest of The Expanse to be rewarded with this Mana Fairy.
Mana Fairy #33
Mana Fairy Name: Onion Pie
General location: Groundkeeper’s Grounds
How to find
Travel northwest from the Groundkeeper’s Grounds Fast-Travel, and you’ll come to some red/pink liquid to the north. You’ll know you’re in the right place because it is surrounded by waterfalls of the same colour. Swim over the water, and confront the enemies there, to find another Mana Fairy.
Mana Fairy #34
Mana Fairy Name: Pinkelino
General location: Corpse Garden
How to find
You’ll find this next Mana Fairy in the northwest part of the Corpse Garden area. It will be protected by some really powerful enemies, so be prepared. But victory rewards you with your penultimate Mana Fairy.
Mana Fairy #35
Mana Fairy Name: Pinkelino
General location: Corpse Garden
How to find
This final Mana Fairy is fairly easy to locate. It is located to the north of the Dark Tower dungeon. From the Corpse Garden Fast-Travel, go east slightly and then travel north. Go past the west turning for the Dark Tower dungeon and keep north until you see a small inlet to the west. This is where the final Mana Fair is located.