Unique Monster Hunter Rise Editions of the Nintendo Switch and Pro Controller will be releasing alongside the game when it arrives on March 26. The Nintendo Switch will be emblazoned with an image of Magnamalo, along with other evocative Monster Hunter-themed designs, featuring on both the console and the Joy-Cons. Not only that, but it will come with a download code for Monster Hunter Rise as well as the Deluxe Kit DLC and bonus content.
The Deluxe Kit DLC includes “Kamurai” Hunter layered armour set, “Shuriken Collar” Palamute layered armour piece, “Fish Collar” Palico layered armour piece, Gestures (4 Jumps), Samurai pose set, Kabuki face paint, and “Izuchi Tail” hairstyle. The bonus content includes Palamute Retriever Costume layered armour, Palico Forest Cat Costume layered armour, and Novice Talisman. As for the Pro Controller, it will also feature the Magnamalo design.
We’ve been playing a lot of the demo, and if you’re struggling at all, we’ve put together a handy guide to help you out.