There’s plenty of new stuff coming to GTA Online this week, including the Declasse Drift Yosemite, double rewards on racing modes and RC time trials, high-performance vehicle discounts, and loads more. The Declasse Drift Yosemite is available from Southern San Andreas Super Autos, turning the classic pickup truck into a vehicle to be reckoned with.
Different races are dishing out double rewards,such as Business Battles, where you’ll get 2x GTA $ and RP until February 12. In the Diamond Casino & Resort, you’ll get the opportunity to win the two-doored Grotti Furia, an Italian supercar. There’re also tons of discounts on a wide range of high-performance vehicles and customisation. Those deals are as follows:
- Principe Deveste Eight – 35% off
- Annis S80RR – 35% off
- Annis RE-7B – 35% off
- Truffade Thrax – 35% off
- Grotti Itali GTO – 35% off
- Progen GP1 – 40% off
- Emperor ETR1 – 40% off
- Vapid GB200 – 40% off
- Declasse Hotring Sabre – 40% off
- Obey Omnis – 40% off
- Liveries – 40% off
- Brakes & Handling – 40% off
- Engine Upgrades – 40% off
- Turbo – 40% off
- Transmission – 40% off
- Suspension – 40% off
- All Garages – 35% off
Finally, any Twitch Prime members who connect their accounts with the Rockstar Social Club will receive 10% extra off the discounts listed above, Pixel Pete’s Arcade property in Paleto Bay for free (via rebate that will be received within 72 hours of purchase), and 80% off the Buckingham Pyro and Rhino Tank. To ensure access to these and future benefits, make sure to visit Twitch Prime and sign up. As always, head over to the Rockstar Social Club Events page to stay in the loop with all discounts, special events, and bonuses.