Empire of Sin delayed to Autumn 2020

by on February 18, 2020

Paradox Interactive and Romero Games have announced the upcoming Empire of Sin will be delayed until Autumn 2020.

Empire of Sin is a strategy game that drops you into Chicago during the Prohibition Era of the 20’s. The 1920’s, not the current 20s as Chicago isn’t going through another Prohibition, as far as I’m aware.

“We at Paradox Interactive, along with our partners at Romero Games, have an ambitious vision for Empire of Sin and decided together that more development time is needed”, said Ebba Ljungerud, CEO at Paradox. “This will allow us to deliver the game that our community deserves and meets our standards.”

“The challenges in making a game like no-one has made before is exactly that – making a game no-one has made before. It takes time to get everything right and presents us with some unique opportunities. I am grateful we are taking the additional time to polish”, said Brenda Romero of Romero Games. “The support and enthusiasm our community has shown thus far for Empire of Sin is incredible. We hope that once you’re let loose in Chicago and see the world we’ve created, you’ll believe it was worth the wait!”

Empire of Sin will release in Autumn 2020 on PC, Mac, Switch, Xbox and Playstation.