The Top 4 Video Gaming Genres of all Time

by on December 6, 2017

It’s a debate which could rage on long into the night, especially with gamers that have a particular affinity to one genre, but we’ve sat down and outlined our case for the four best video gaming genres of all time. Some of the very best video games encompass more than one genre but we’ve done our best to remain impartial and select four gaming varieties that have had the biggest impact on gaming geeks worldwide.

A quick look at Statista suggests that shoot’em up video games were the most popular in the United States last year, closely followed by action games, but take a look at our personal opinions below:

Sports games

With tens of millions of sports fans around the world, supporting their favorite football, basketball, soccer, and ice hockey teams, it’s not difficult to see why sports video games are so appealing to this demographic. With accurate simulations or arcades of their favorite sports, they offer fans a chance to step into the boots of their sporting heroes. Age-old sports gaming titles such as FIFA and NBA Live have spanned multiple generations of gamers now, more than standing the test of time and remaining relevant thanks to yearly data updates and refined audio and visual elements.

Role-playing games

The role-playing game genre is one of the best of all time for a plethora of reasons. Firstly, there has to be a reason why almost all video game developers make them, except perhaps for Valve. A role-playing game is undeniably the most immersive video gaming experience you can find, controlling a single character and leading them on their quest for success or survival. Final Fantasy certainly wouldn’t have enjoyed 15 different releases since 1987 and sold 130 million copies if RPGs didn’t capture the imagination. And there are plenty more successful titles where that came from: The Legend of Zelda, Mass Effect, Dark Souls, World of Warcraft, Fallout… need we say more?!

Real money games

Another hugely underrated video gaming genre is the real money online gaming sphere. These gaming titles have been accessible on our computer screens since the mid-1990s and today. Today, the real money online gaming market is expected to bring revenues of $59.79bn by the turn of the next decade, incorporating everything from casual games like those available on Lotto.net to state-of-the-art 3D slots.

Open-world games

What better way to wile away a few hours than explore an open-world video game? While similar sandbox-style games such as Minecraft and LittleBigPlanet rely on your manipulation and customization of your player’s environment, open-world games are centered on your ability to explore hidden depths to uncover mysteries and complete missions. We love the freedom an open-world game offers, with franchises such as Grand Theft Auto and Assassin’s Creed (whose recently-released Origins game is fantastic!) creating realistic gaming environments. From the urban jungle of Grand Theft Auto to the history and myths of ages gone by of Assassin’s Creed, it’s a learning experience, not just a gaming experience!

What are your thoughts? Do you agree or disagree? Let us know your favorite video gaming genres by sharing our page using any of the latest social media buttons below.