TumbleSeed developer will tweak the difficulty, make it more approachable

by on June 8, 2017

Greg Wohlwend addressed some of the TumbleSeed criticisms on Twitter and spoke about the future.

He talked about TumbleSeed and how some streamers and journalists have dropped playing TumbleSeed due to the difficulty. While this is the best thing he has worked on, they will be trying to make it more approachable in a new mode or something while allowing people who love it now to play as it is. This will hopefully get more people talking about it and playing it. He also says the response has ben tepid for it. You can read my review of it here. I really liked it but have had trouble getting people to play it for more than a few runs thanks to the same difficulty issue. Here are some of the Tweets:

TumbleSeed is available on PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

Thanks, My Nintendo News.