Some leaked promotional material for Final Fantasy XV has cast doubt over the game’s supposed September 30 release date. New materials sent to GameStop stores now show a release date of November 29.
There has been no official announcement from Square Enix but a report from Gamnesia indicated that the highly-anticipated title had been pushed back, with someone from within GameStop management apparently tipping the site off. This was further corroborated when the site was contacted by GameStop employees showing an image of a cover-up sticker to attach to current promotional displays with a release date of November 29, 2016.
According to the instructions, employees have to alter the displayed date on August 15 so it is expected an official announcement will come either on that day or prior. Gematsu has also reported that a source, the one who initially informed them of the game’s initial September 30 release date, can confirm the validity Gamnesia’s report.
Source: Gamnesia/Gematsu/NeoGAF