Similarly to last week, where Colm and I spoke to Patrick Ewing from Campo Santo (the dev-team that are putting out Firewatch next week), this week’s podcast contains chat to a developer. This time, it’s the producer of Dying Light, Tymon Smektala, who is on the show to talk about The Following.
Before he joins Dan, Mikey, and Greg, however, the lads chat about The Witness, and Stubbsy’s hands-on with Far Cry Primal, which he really seems to like. On top of that, because this podcast was actually recorded at the same time as last week’s, backers get to hear a live reaction to the Molyneux retirement hoax. Worth paying for!
Patreon backers get an extra thirty minutes in which the lads revisit their childhood and extend the cartoon chat that begins on the vanilla podcast. So, if you want to hear us discuss some animated classics, you know what to do!
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You can download the MP3 file here, just right click then select “save file”.