In a few days time, at a secret location in London, some of the top technology and gaming companies are meeting to discuss our Capital’s Internet access and the issues surrounding it. The meeting is titled: What London needs from broadband and how do we solve it?
Confirmed attendees at this meeting are: Vodafone, Talk Talk, TechCityUK, Gfinity, HyperOptic, Optimity and MEP for London Syed Kamall.
GodisaGeek have been invited to take part in this discussion and we’d like to pass on your thoughts, opinions and concerns regarding broadband in London, from a videogame lover’s perspective!
Let us know what annoys you, whether it’s lack of access, low speeds, high pings – whatever is getting in the way of your gaming. It’s not on and we want to put an end to it. Everyone should have the right to frag on a reliable connection, without packet dropping or shaping. The only thing standing in between you and the top of the leaderboard should be your skill level!
Please let us know your thoughts, in the comment section below, or e-mail