Having championed Super Mario Maker to be one of the year’s best on last year’s game of the year podcast, it’s with great joy I finally got to play the game recently.
Here’s hoping it lives up to being something great, but for now you’ll have to make do with my some preview impressions, as I spoke to fellow Mario-fan, Lee Garbutt, from PugHoof Gaming.
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We have to give it up to Nintendo’s favourite plumber for being the inspiration behind a lot of games we enjoy. From playing Mario in the traditional sense, to building the levels ourselves in Super Mario Maker to chasing after his success and death in Kill the Plumber 2 recently, Mario’s definitely brought an eclectic joy to games. We’re looking forward to Super Mario Maker, but don’t forget that there are plenty of Mario games out there that might not necessarily be making it onto the Wii screen that you can still enjoy.